Bringing Marine Nature Back to Our Lives - the Role of Science

Conference participants in a group photo
© Syke

Thank you for participating in the Velmu conference in Helsinki and online!

Biodiversity loss is world´s largest environmental issue right after the climate change, and that is why studying the biodiversity and it´s changes is now more relevant than ever. Top international scientists met in Helsinki Congress Paasitorni on March 14–15 and delivered a concentrated dose of new information on marine conservation and sustainable use and inspired fruitful discussions. Among the international guest speakers were Mike Elliott (University of Hull), Ana Queirós (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), Evangelia Drakou (Harokopio University of Athens), Henrik Österblom (Stockholm Resilience Centre) and Angel Borja (AZTI, Spain).


Handouts Day 1

Handouts Day 2


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Published 2022-06-22 at 15:32, updated 2023-03-29 at 9:05
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