Home > Research & development > Nature > Specialist work > METSO Programme > Coordination of METSO research Coordination of METSO research and development projects Wilderness at Kirkkonummi © Jouko Lehmuskallio Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) are funding research and development projects supporting METSO Programme. There are four different funding instruments:1. Nature management projects (MoAF)2. Research on commercial forests (MoAF)See e.g. the research project Knowledge, communication and targeting of biodiversity conservation (2013-2016) coordinated by Riikka Paloniemi from Syke. 3. Research programme of deficiently known and threatened forest species (PUTTE, MoE, 2003-2016)4. Co-operation networks (MoE & MoAF)All the above projects are coordinated by Kaisu Aapala working at Syke. More information Poster Science meets practice in METSO (pdf, 1519 kB) Success and Challenges of voluntary Forest Conservation in Finland (pdf, 400 kB) Published 2013-05-02 at 15:54, updated 2024-11-27 at 9:47 Suomeksi In English Topic: nature management, METSO, endangered species, research, projects, co-operation, Ecosystem services and biological diversity Target group: no user role Share: Feedback for the person in charge Print this page Read More Research project Knowledge, communication and targeting of biodiversity conservation Ymparisto.fi Research Programme PUTTE 2003-2016 metsonpolku.fi Research and development projects