Coordination of METSO research and development projects

Wilderness at Kirkkonummi © Jouko Lehmuskallio

Ministry of the Environment (MoE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) are funding research and development projects supporting METSO Programme. There are four different funding instruments:

1. Nature management projects (MoAF)

2. Research on commercial forests (MoAF)

See e.g. the research project Knowledge, communication and targeting of biodiversity conservation (2013-2016) coordinated by Riikka Paloniemi from Syke.

3. Research programme of deficiently known and threatened forest species (PUTTE, MoE, 2003-2016)

4. Co-operation networks (MoE & MoAF)

All the above projects are coordinated by Kaisu Aapala working at Syke.

Published 2013-05-02 at 15:54, updated 2024-11-27 at 9:47
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