Salla Rantala

Salla Rantala

Development Manager

PhD. (Forest Sciences)

Docent (Environmental Policy)

Email: firstname.surname(at)
Tel. +358 2952 51257

Finnish Environment Institute, Environmental Policy Centre
Latokartanonkaari 11, 00790 Helsinki, Finland

@ResearchGate @GoogleScholar


Research and expertise

  • Environmental and natural resource governance, esp. forests
  • Data and knowledge governance
  • Interactive methods and knowledge co-production
  • Sustainable development and sustainability science
  • Development cooperation


I have been working as a researcher and expert on environmental governance at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) since 2014. Previously, I have worked in research and development cooperation in the global South (Eastern and Southern Africa, Central America and South East Asia), focusing on forests, climate change and rural livelihoods. My PhD research concerned the local governance processes and social impacts of forest conservation in Tanzania. Questions of equity and legitimacy in forest and climate governance, for instance in the context of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), have also been central to my research, broadly covering the political and institutional dimensions of natural resource governance.

Current work

I currently work as the Development Manager of the Environmental Policy Centre of SYKE. I am responsible for developing organizational practices related to supporting sustainability transformations, resource mobilization and the management of the Centre. I am also the deputy of the director of the Environmental Policy Centre.  

My current major research interest relates to the governance of natural resource data and information in the age of digitalization. The GODICO project (Governing Digital Commons: Governance Frameworks for the Opening and Sharing of Natural Resource Knowledge) addresses the question of how to open data on natural resources, focusing on forests and wetlands, in ways that are legitimate to various stakeholders and effective in terms of facilitating new innovations.  

I also work as an expert in the science-policy interface, nationally and internationally. I am a member of the Steering Committee for the Future of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO) by UNEP. My assignments have included supporting the drafting of the Global Sustainable Development Report 2019, coordinator of a SYKE-Luke review of emerging critical issues in global forest policy, and member of various national coordinating groups and networks. 

Published 2017-11-24 at 15:18, updated 2022-11-01 at 9:37

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